I'm often
asked "how in the world did you manage to get Peter Ustinov?".
Well, the "getting" was in fact quite easy. I sent his agent
a proposal, an offer, and a copy of the already published Orchestra book,
the agent forwarded these things to Ustinov, and he agreed. The really
hard part, as it turned out, was the logistics.
As part of
the agreement, I had offered that I would record with Ustinov wherever
and whenever would fit into his schedule. To which the response was -
O.K., Peter will
In Toronto for the recording of the
French version narration
be at his
home in Geneva with a bit of time to
spare the first week of April. So we agreed on a specific day and time,
I found and booked an appropriate Geneva recording studio, and I booked
a round-trip flight coming into Geneva several days before the scheduled
studio date and departing several days after - a span of days that was
required in order to get the essential budget fare, and which also allowed
me a few days on site to check out the studio, overcome my jet lag, and
generally psych myself up before the much anticipated recording session,
to be followed by a hoped for several days of celebration and relaxation
But no
sooner were all the bookings made than the phone calls started. "The
scheduled day won't work because Peter now has to be in London, can we
make it two days later?" No problem changing the studio booking and
this is still well within my airline ticket window, so sure. "Sorry,
Peter's been asked to do something else on that day, can we change it
to four days earlier?" Still within my ticket window and o.k. with
the studio, so fine with me.
I can't remember
exactly how many shifts like this happened in the couple of weeks preceeding
the recording session, but it was at least three or four, and the issue
wasn't resolved until a conference call with the agent in New York and
Peter in Prague on the day before my flight, where we finally concluded
that the only remaining possibility was the morning after my arrival in
Geneva, and very early in the
morning at that because Ustinov had a noon plane to catch.
So I arrived
in Geneva in the early evening quite the bundle of nerves, checked into
my hotel, set my watch, my travel clock, the room radio alarm, and the
hotel service for the required very early wake-up, and fell into a deep
exhausted sleep. Until the phone rang five minutes later informing me
that "there's someone in the lobby for you with a note from Mr. Ustinov".
Totally devasted by what I was sure was going to be a "sorry can't
do after all" message, I slumped down to the lobby where a uniformed
chauffeur handed me the dreaded note. Which read: "I'll be dining
this evening with an old
the occasion of our first Geneva
recording session, I asked Mr. Ustinov to
autograph a copy of The Orchestra book.
Click on the above to enlarge his response.
friend from
America. Would you care to join us? If so, Raoul my chauffeur will bring
you to us - Peter". With
what was surely one of the most dramatic and extreme mood shifts I've
ever experienced, I beamed at Raoul "give me five minutes".
I was then
driven to United Nations headquarters where Mr. Ustinov had just finished
giving a speech, and was very warmly greeted by him with "Mr. Rubin!
How very nice to meet you finally." He then introduced me to his
friend (the dean of an ivy league university), and the three of us then
went off to one of Geneva's finest restaurants where I was treated to
an extraordinary meal and regaled with non-stop hilarious stories from
Mr. Ustinov (most of which - in honour of his American friend - were delivered
in Ustinov's dead-on and devastating imitation of then President Ronald
Reagan). To my profuse thank you's afterwards Peter's simple reply was
"it's the least I could do - you've come a long way. See you in the
reading the next morning was of course brilliant, although it's actually
a bit of a shame that I was only able to use the "straight"
"actual text" bits, and not his many interjected jokes, plays
on words, snide asides, and numerous impersonations and accents. I'm sure
it was pure adrenalin that gave me the temerity to at times actually attempt
to "direct" his reading, and it's certainly a testament to Peter's
profound civility that he accepted these attempts with only mock outrage
("You want me to read it that way??" - followed by a
ridiculously exaggerated version of what I was requesting, followed by
an absolutely perfect reading exactly as I had requested).
I had two
subsequent meetings in Toronto with Mr.Ustinov. The first was when illustrator
Alan Daniel and I met him for tea in order to get his approval of the
rough record cover drawing (to which his only comment was "I wish
I actually had shoes like that"). The second was for the
After our French recording
session in
Toronto, Mr. Ustinov surprised me with
this spontaneous souvenir.
Click to enlarge.
recording of the French narration (where I discovered that Peter could do
almost as many impersonations and accents in French as he could in English!).
And while both of these later meetings were totally delightful and congenial,
neither could hold a candle in sheer memorableness to that first extraordinary
roller-coaster ride in Geneva.
- MR |